Never got into The Replacements. Bruce Springsteen for people with extensive punk/garage/rock'n'roll collections
I think I could go the rest of my life never listening to Talking Heads again. I used to really love them, too, but every algorithmic streaming service in every brewery or coffee shop has oversaturated them and I just don't care anymore.
I think everyone is just pretending to like the Replacements.
The Who post My Generation
The Fall
Pink Floyd (well, maybe not everyone here, but everyone elsewhere)
Siouxsie and the Banshees
Killing Joke
I’m with folks on the Replacements, except I’ll go to bat for “I Hate Music”, “Fuck School”, and “Gary’s Got a Boner”.
Lol, these are song I legitimately like, but as I’m typing them out, I’m realizing it makes me sound like a fuckin twelve year old.
Gimmie Sopor Never got into The Replacements. Bruce Springsteen for people with extensive punk/garage/rock'n'roll collections
Perfect summation.
sixbigboys my way not crazy about the Minutemen either. Come to think of it most of the SST big dogs don’t do it for me
Speaking of The Who, here are two deep cuts that non-believers might appreciate (The Good's Gone and Heaven & Hell, the links won't play directly)
Queef Richards Same, that was exactly who I had in mind as unflattering points of comparison. Even Faust with their unfortunate wanderings in Zappa territory have more/higher peaks in my opinion
Of the hyped bands from the current wave of Australian rock'n'roll, I can't get into Stiff Richards, Civic and Private Function.
Queen sucks
All those new cartoony “oi” bands are not good
Gimmie Sopor a better who deep cut. they were a near-perfect band up until '71.
hotsounds Gimmie Sopor a better who deep cut. they were a near-perfect band up until '71.
What song is it, the link doesn't work for me
Randall Gimmie Sopor Never got into The Replacements. Bruce Springsteen for people with extensive punk/garage/rock'n'roll collections
Perfect summation.
Replacements took a while for me to appreciate. Let It Be and Tim have some amazing tracks but they're kinda uneven as records. But songs such as "Favorite Thing", "Unsatisfied", "Seen Your Video", "Sixteen Blue", and the whole second side of Tim (exc. Lay it Down Clown) are all classics in my book. Also, Tommy Ramone's production on Tim didn't exactly help too.
Gimmie Sopor disguises
- Edited
another unenthusiastic vote for the Minutemen & I never cared one way or the other about Sonic Youth or Husker Du
the random classic rock band that irks me most is probably ELO
and I really cant stand Van Morrison