terminalsunset Can get Hamm's at Total Wine's in California. It seems like beers like Hamm's and Rainier have made a bit of a comeback
Mark Smith The Sugar Bowl in Kalamazoo has a $5 special called the Hamm It Up. A pint of Hamm's with a pickle and a shot of Old Crow
Al Dorado I hope it ends up back in NM. This gives me hope!
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I love beer and for a while beer was part of my job as I managed bars. Best part was free samples and talking shop with distros and brewers. I met a lot of nice folks in the industry and tried a lot of great stuff.
I love GUINNESS!!!
Huge fan of Czech Beers. Krusovice and Pilsner Urquell are my favorites. Not gonna turn down Czechwar(Budwar), Staropramen, Praga or Kozel.
German beers I dig right now are Arcobrau and Redeberger Zwicklbeirs, Gaffel Kolsch, Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier. We have Hofbrauhaus here, so nothing beats the fresh classic lager on tap.
Belgians: Rodenbach Grand Cru, Orval, La Chouffe, Chimay, Westmalle, etc.
Belgian-style and one of my all-time faves is La Fin Du Monde
When in Columbus check out these breweries: GEMUT, Seventh Son/Getaway, Columbus Brewing Co., Barley's, Combustion, Derive.
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Red Menace all the Schlenkerla varieties, but the Doppelbock is my fave. For whatever reason, we can’t get Fin Du Mond or any Uniboue beers in BC anymore. I guess they have chosen to focus on US market more.
Orval is an all time great, right up there with DuPont and Cantillon for the world class examples of Belgian styles IMHO.
Beer is good. The world needs more ESBs. Mystery_Ship is spot on about English Milds.
Growing up in CA, I'm sick of IPAs. They were fun back in the 00s during the first boom but it's been like 20 years of IPAs. I'm less down on them than I was a while back, but lagers/pilsners and stouts are more of my go to.
Mystery_Ship It is weird that you can't get Unibroue. I'd figure they would take care of the domestic market first. Oh man, I didn't include Saison DuPont. Love that stuff!
Enjoying Köstritzer black lager tonight. Nice body, bit of a sunny raisin flavor, and yet still a crispy refreshing lager. Pretty incredible stuff those Germans make.
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The Clangor of Dale yeah, I prefer Pilsners but I hardly ever see craft beer versions. I was in Tokyo a few weeks ago and was over the moon to find a Czech beer/restaurant a few minutes walk away from our hotel even though 330 ml Pilsner Urquell was 1100 yen - not bad if you convert to USD but a yen earner, it's like 11 bucks. Did have a traditional czech creamy cheese thing that was heaven to me tho...(Pivni)
terminalsunset Was that a 7K or Happy Camper? Good stuff. How do you like Bow and Arrow? For my money that's the best beer in New Mexico. A little pricey but quality stuff.
dr_chile Happy Camper, which will always be my fave over 7K (likely due to nostalgia). I think Bow & Arrow does good work, but I do think it is overpriced. Second Street makes my favorite beer in NM.
Very into NA beer trend and will try them all.
Highlight so far: Augustiner Alkoholfrei Hell
Sukebe_GG Craft Pilsners/Lagers have slowly started to ramp up a bit more. Especially in these parts. It may have something to do with the higher humidity seasons and a lot of other styles not hitting "crushability" on such days.