Nathan Loud I love the green screen stage setup from days of yore. So much potential, so much fun to watch. We need to bring it back. Show me your fave green screen rockers.
Nathan Loud Randall Mystery_Ship These are so good! Soggy and Can are true classics of the Green Screen Rocker genre. I've poked through a lot of the old Beat Club performances, and they're great, but I wonder if they were the main force behind the GSR genre, or if there were other major players... Need a GSR FAQ.
Randall Nathan Loud for sure the big player. The beat club youtube channel is great but hard to navigate due to some videos being uploaded multiple times.
jeff g Randall The beat club youtube channel is great but hard to navigate due to some videos being uploaded multiple times. And some stuff disappears. I went to go post the Ike and Tina version of Come Together but it's no longer up, even though a bunch of others from that set are.
Wade T Oberlin This does not rock, unless you rock to a VW commercial: the first record I ever bought was from a Goodwill, and it was a Trio 12” of DA DA DA. After that was Kraftwerk Autobahn, then the rest…