filthqueen666 Señor Scratchy I agree with Scratchy. In the interest of rewiring the pleasure centers in our brains I think we shouldn’t have likes.
paperhose I also experienced the urge to like due to social media reprogramming. Agree that it is a worthwhile experiment to not have them--forces us to write our thoughts down.
Randall paperhose I also experienced the urge to like due to social media reprogramming. Agree that it is a worthwhile experiment to not have them--forces us to write our thoughts down. Yeah I think this is where I’ve landed on this. If you like what someone post comment on it. Let’s discuss things rather than thumbing each other up
rsbrown I'd support likes that no one can actually see. They would cause some posts to bubble to the top of the home page (like reddit's old "hotness" algorithm), but you wouldn't actually know how many folks liked any individual posts.