Randall changed the title to YOUTUBING! (music) .

pre-degrads haha. linda smith actually used to play in jonathan elwitt's post-degrads group the silly pillows

    Is that Terri Hooley in the b roll?

    hotsounds pre-degrads haha. linda smith actually used to play in jonathan elwitt's post-degrads group the silly pillows

    There was a Degrads music video on youtube but I couldn't find it this morning. Never heard. Silly Pillows. I love the Degrads so will check it out.

      The Geros with Screaming Mad George.

      So bummed I didn't go to the GONERFEST BOSMC played. I've watched this footage so many times

      I really like this old lady in Thailand who does old boomer bait tunes, I've been following her for a while

      Sukebe_GG saw a Bill Orcutt jam with Ethan Miller from Comets on Fire and Steve Shelley and it was fuckin awesome. Hopefully we get some more of that

      6 and a half minutes of Retail Simps in Brooklyn - I shot a couple years ago

        PaddyBullocks I see your 6 1/2 minutes and raise you 35 minutes and 57 seconds of Retail Simps and Puppet Wipes

        Was on radio.garden and heard some amazing gospel in Saint Louis: Lee Williams And The Spiritual QCs. It rocks and soothes. Till the ads show up, natch

        Here's that playlist I made a bunch of years ago of tracks from the Homework comps(US DIY 1976-1985)

        Sukebe_GG I got to see the quartet in Philly last year, they book some pretty out there stuff at Solar Myth, although it generally skews a lot more towards jazz. I also got to see Richard Bishop at the same place

        Been going through the Target Video collection in anticipation of viewing party in my living room. This Diamanda Galás was a welcome find.


        This was probably my most listened to single in 2024. East Belfast hip-hip who rap partially in Irish. Fucking killer. Their DJ wears a tri-color balaclava and goes by the name DJ Provy. What's not to like. The album "Fine Art" is good too. `

        They are touring the US in October and the wife and I are hoping to check out a show

        Anybody have the scoop on Jim E. Brown? Is he "from" anything?

        Seems like a harkening to Mr. Mark E. Smith... Manchester, alcoholic, talk/singing, adult themes, etc. etc. Bringing in a Neil Hamburger vibe.

        Some of his songs are kinda good/funny but I don't yet have my mind wrapped around the bit.

        He's playing Portland in a couple weeks and I think I'm gonna go. If the world isn't yet up in flames.

          favourite sydney band of ~ 2011-2013 MODEL CITIZEN... was absolutely obsessed with this band and despite them never releasing anything i still get this song stuck in my head. there's an LP recorded somewhere in the RIP SOCIETY ether and i really hope it sees the light of the day, cos man those songs were killer

          Not really a podcast but can be...Four folks talking about their recent listenings on vinyl or WAYLTs. Guests tend to be from the more HC and metal ends of the spectrum, so the selections swing heavy that way a bit but still a fun listen whatever your persuasions:

          16 days later

          it says the Hart Bar in Brooklyn but this is at the community bike shop in New Haven