Spent most of the last few days listening to all of the Cheater Slicks album. Catalog is fantastic top to bottom and still pumping out the hits. Leave your favorite Slicks songs, live videos, and adulation here.

Just a perfect band. Ill-Fated Cusses from 2023 is as good as anything they've ever done. Peerless.

I vividly remember seeing them play this one before the album came out and being floored by it, on a weeknight in Columbus with maybe 30 people max there. Just the best band.

Really hope they make it to the West Coast again one day, but doubt it’s in the cards.

    Mystery_Ship Really hope they make it to the West Coast again one day, but doubt it’s in the cards.

    Wanted to make it happen this year for the retreat but was scared last year selling out was a fluke and couldn’t spend the money to make it happen. If there is a third retreat though I’m making it happen

      My copy of "Whiskey" came with a Don Howland-penned gothic horror tale about a traumatized inventor and a scuzzy demon of rock ‘n’ roll that respawns every time you try to kill it. I thought it was pretty cool


        i can't contain my undying love for cheater slicks.

        i was also told in september they're TRYING to do a west coast jaunt late summer/early fall.

          B.F. McGee-zax i was also told in september they're TRYING to do a west coast jaunt late summer/early fall.

          Yeah the retreat was gonna be part of it. Not happening, but I think next year will be the year

          Ten hours of the Slicks. They're right up there with Teengenerate as "Scientifically Provable As Thee Best Band Ever". Just depends on what stats you use.

          will always be grateful to the slicks for soundtracking a reeeeaal big nervous breakdown for me in 2015, spent a bonkers walk home from my horrid job with 'walk into the sea' on repeat one day

          Larry Hardy and I did an hour-long interview this week where we talked about the Cheater Slicks for a few minutes, including reissue plans. Should drop next week if anyone is interested. It's the third-installment of a series that's on Paperface. I wanted to knock that one out -- life happened in between the first two interviews and this one -- cuz we're working on getting the Termbo band back together for this zine we've discussed on here.

          Getting James Arthur on bass guitar was a real win for the Slicks.

            Ryan Leach working on getting the Termbo band back together for this zine we've discussed on here.

            Should be ready to start rolling in a few days. Slicks would be a great interview

            Ryan Leach Larry Hardy and I did an hour-long interview this week where we talked about the Cheater Slicks for a few minutes, including reissue plans

            First two parts of the interview were excellent. Can’t wait to read the conclusion