Rapid Adapter Here's a pretty good list of the songs GG plagiarised. The seven videos/songs could use some editing, but just skip to the mid-way points to the get the points.
knives Rapid Adapter Here's a pretty good list of the songs GG plagiarised. "Die When You Die" is way way better than the DAM song for my money
Nathan Loud I’ve always been mystified that Mr. Soul was such a rip of the world-famous riff from Satisfaction, which had come out less than two years before. Such a bold choice. He said he wrote the song in 5 minutes. Yeah I wonder how. The song still rules and Neil Young rules.
Future Trash Randall are they ripping off a specific song? My knowledge of The Stranglers is pretty much Rattus Norvegicus and Golden Brown.
Randall Future Trash no the original topic was songs that sound like they came from a different band, and anytime I hear this song I always think its the Stranglers for a minute
Wade T Oberlin How about full lyric pulls, not riffs? Mi Ami have the song “Latin Lover” which rips Whitney Houston lyrics for an entire segment. Not a favorite, but in a similar vein Tinashe has a song titled “2 On” that does same with Sean Paul’s “We Be Burnin’”
Wade T Oberlin Wade T Oberlin ANOTHER one or two… The Mistaken (1/2 Angry Samoans) cover Heroin, then at the end… well, those lyrics aren’t from The Velvets (or The Samoans): Flowers’ fave The Hombres! Cover fragment of The Byrds within a cover of “Gloria” is glorious:
ExpKind Kind of in this mold , The Clean's "Side On" sounds like their take on The Fall circa-1980 or so.