Rapid Adapter Kill From The Heart, the old international hardcore archive. https://web.archive.org/web/20061205222035/http://homepages.nyu.edu/~cch223/mainpage.html
Rapid Adapter And finally, the listings of old KBDs and Bloodstains. I specifically remember printing out these track listings on the library computer. That's how old this website is. http://www.lipstickkillers.com/comphell/comps.html
Rapid Adapter Hmm, even looking at the 90's layout of Grunnen Rocks, that's not the one I was thinking of. Consarn it, brain, remember it up!
Rapid Adapter Here's the biggest Year End Best Ofs Lists list from Termbo. 49 people wrote up a list! 2007 was the peak Termbo year? I dunno. https://web.archive.org/web/20150511193315/http://www.terminal-boredom.com/2007.html
Nathan Loud Randall Hadn’t thought about this site in ages, I can still picture the guy’s weird Dutch face! I would spend hours and hours reading about bands back in what like 2003? Crazay. Gonna take another dip. https://www.grunnenrocks.nl/bands/
Rapid Adapter Fuck, here's the Bomp List. Posts from 1995: https://web.archive.org/web/20031207155650/http://bomplist.xnet2.com/9504/threads.html
Rapid Adapter Ou, yeah, "World Wide Punk" was what I was thinking of. Last updated 2000, LOL https://web.archive.org/web/20000815224108/http://www.worldwidepunk.com/bands5.html
Randall Nathan Loud Same. Was a huge resource back in the day and apparently still is. Just checked and there is no Total Punk page. Still a nobody
Gimmie Sopor Nathan Loud Hadn’t thought about this site in ages, I can still picture the guy’s weird Dutch face! I would spend hours and hours reading about bands back in what like 2003? Crazay. Gonna take another dip. https://www.grunnenrocks.nl/bands/ +1
Jonny YenAgain The trouserpress https://trouserpress.com/ was one site I was on a lot. Maybe 90's maybe 2000's. It's changed since then
Señor Scratchy Randall Just checked and there is no Total Punk page. Still a nobody Not enough pompadours in your roster